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How to make Soto Ayam

Monday, July 7, 2014


Soto ayam is a typical Indonesian food in the form of a kind of chicken soup with a creamy sauce. The yellow color is due to the use of turmeric as a spice. Soto ayam found in many areas in Indonesia and Singapore. In addition to the materials used chicken also include hard-boiled eggs, sliced ​​potatoes, celery leaves, and fried onions. Sometimes soup is also served with white rice cake or rice. Besides chicken soup is often served with a sauce, crackers and Koya (collision mix crackers with garlic).

ingredients :

1 chicken ( rather large )
4 stalk Spring onion ( cut into small pieces - small )
3 stalk celery ( cut into small pieces - small )
2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1/2 tsp Vinegar
100 grams of potato chips
100 gr Soun ( hot soak , drain )
4 grains of chicken eggs ( boiled , peeled skin )
2 tbsp fried onions

Seasoning and cooking oil to taste

Spices that are :

5 cloves Shallots
8 cloves garlic
Half finger Ginger
1 tsp pepper
salt to taste

How to cook :

- Chicken braised until tender , remove from broth .
- Take the broth to taste ± 2 1/2 liter .
- Cut chicken thin - thin , fry until half dry , drain .
- Pan-fried spice paste until fragrant .
- Add chicken broth , cook until boiling .
- Add green onion , soy sauce , vinegar and seasonings , stir briefly and remove from heat.
- Place the glass noodles , chicken , and eggs in a bowl .
- Give the chicken broth , sprinkle with fried onions and chopped celery .
- Add lemon juice and serve with potato chips .

For Sambal Soto (spicy extra ingredients) :
Blend the spices which consists of :

5 pieces of red chilli ( boiled )
10 Cayenne fruit ( boiled )
3 btr Pecan ( fried )
1 clove garlic ( fried )
Add salt and sugar to taste .
Add ± 4 tbsp water , ready to be served .

Serve :)

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